Google Firebase vs AWS Amplify: Which Mobile App Development Platform is Better

October 07, 2021

Google Firebase vs AWS Amplify: Which Mobile App Development Platform is Better

Are you struggling to decide between Google Firebase and AWS Amplify for your mobile app development project? It's a tough decision, especially if you're new to cloud computing. You want to make sure you choose the platform that will best meet your needs, without breaking your budget. Our Flare Compare team has done the research and analysis to help you make an informed decision. So, let's dive into the comparison of Google Firebase vs AWS Amplify.


Google Firebase and AWS Amplify are two popular cloud-based mobile app development platforms. Both are designed to simplify and accelerate the app development process by providing pre-built services and tools. While they share some similarities, they differ in their pricing, features, and integrations.


Both platforms offer a set of features that can help you build high-quality mobile applications. Google Firebase has a comprehensive suite of services that can support frontend, backend, and analytics. It includes services like Cloud Firestore, Cloud Functions, Cloud Storage, and Cloud Messaging. Firebase also has several SDKs and libraries that can be used to build native-like experiences.

On the other hand, AWS Amplify provides pre-built UI components, API modules, and libraries. It comes with services like Amplify Datastore, Amplify Function, and Amplify Authentication. Amplify also offers integration with many AWS services like AWS AppSync, Amazon S3, and Amazon Cognito.


When it comes to pricing, Google Firebase and AWS Amplify have different approaches. Firebase lets you choose between a free plan and a pay-as-you-go pricing model. The free plan is limited in features but can be used as a trial. Firebase's pay-as-you-go model charges based on usage, such as storage size, data transfer, and active usage time.

AWS Amplify offers a free tier for the first 12 months, after which it moves to a pay-as-you-go model. The free tier includes 50GB of data storage, 1,000,000 GraphQL operations, and other services. Amplify's pay-as-you-go model also charges based on usage, and there are some conditions applied to specific services.


Both platforms are capable of creating high-performing mobile applications. However, Google Firebase's user-friendly interface and clear documentation can lead to faster development cycles. Firebase also has better native-like development features, making it one of the easiest mobile app development platforms to get started with.

AWS Amplify, on the other hand, is more aimed at advanced developers who prefer more control and customization. Amplify's architecture is more complex and offers more services than Firebase, but this also leads to more time-killing configurations.


In conclusion, both Google Firebase and AWS Amplify are excellent mobile app development platforms that can help you build high-performing mobile applications. It really comes down to what you're looking for in a platform, whether it be native-like development, user-friendliness, or customizability.

We hope this comparison helped you make an informed decision when it comes to choosing the right platform for your mobile app development needs. Remember to bear in mind your project requirements, budget, and development team when making your final decision.


  1. "Firebase vs AWS Amplify." Savvy Apps, 2020,
  2. "Google Firebase vs AWS Amplify: Which one to prefer?" Konstant Info, 2021,
  3. "Firebase." Google Firebase,
  4. "AWS Amplify." AWS Amplify,

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